the condiment nazi
Beck: You want trouble? Luke: Uh, nope.
Beck: I didn't think so, more pepper? Luke: Uh, ok.
Beck: Like I said, never too much pepper. Luke: Do you expect me to eat this?
My feeble attempt to contribute to the wonderful world of the internet.
Beck: You want trouble? Luke: Uh, nope.
Beck: I didn't think so, more pepper? Luke: Uh, ok.
Beck: Like I said, never too much pepper. Luke: Do you expect me to eat this?
Posted by Brett at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Great news for Sarah today. It's offical.
From: Boston Athletic Association []
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:06 AM
To: Sarah BradySubject: Welcome to the 113th Boston Marathon
You're receiving this email because you are an entrant in the 2009 Boston Marathon.
Posted by Brett at 10:17 AM 1 comments
The Dallas White Rock Marathon was awesome! Running in less than ideal conditions, Sarah posted a new PR of 3:39 and best of all qualified for Boston, the world's oldest annual marathon.
Sarah was so thankful for all the support received during and after the race. Family, friends and co-workers were scattered about the course as the temperatures rose above 70 degrees and the wind gusted to 30+ mph.Post race, Sarah told me three mental things helped her get through the 26.2 miles and reach her goal.
First, she didn't want to explain why she was unable to qualify for Boston. She kept replaying the conversations in her head. Too windy or too hot were excuses she didn't want to use.
Number 2. She couldn't let me be right. You see a few weeks ago Sarah asked for my honest opinion on this subject. "Do you think I will make it to Boston?" I emphatically said no. At the time, a complete jerk move. Today, a brilliant move of reverse psychology. Honey, you are welcome.
AND last but certainly not least. Somewhere around mile 21 there was a sign that made a BIG difference. Having spent miles 14 - 18 running into headwinds on the lake and miles 19-21 running all uphill she was nearly broken. The sign Pain is Temporary got her going again. Once seeing the sign she kept thinking the phrase over and over in her head.
From mile 21 it was literally all down hill for her. Each time I saw her (mile 23 and 25) she had passed several runners in front of her. Her last mile was clocked at 7:15, the fastest mile of her race!
Sarah, Congrats on reaching your goal, Boston is going to be a blast.
Posted by Brett at 2:18 PM 3 comments
Yes, we've always been on the map but now it's a little better.
Google Maps "Street View" made a quick drive through town sometime last summer. While we didn't get full street coverage, I was pleasantly surprised to see Tarkio looking great on today's new Google release.
I'd like to challenge the locals (or anyone else wanting to play) to tell me when Google visited Tarkio. I'll even throw in a free lunch anywhere in Tarkio to the winner. (Will says to shop local, I'm trying to do my part.) Here's the kicker.... I don't know when they visited. You must find proof from the street view photos to win.
Post your guess in my comments and good luck.
Posted by Brett at 10:37 PM 2 comments
Word on the street is George and Laura have purchased a Dallas home in Preston Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. W,
Consider this an open invitation to use our pool anytime you'd like. Oh and if you need some help with the move in January just give me a ring.
The Smiths
Posted by Brett at 3:20 PM 0 comments