Thursday, July 14, 2005

and I thought this was the ground floor?

This evening a good friend and fraternity brother, Ryan Kirk, turned me on to several good sites to help get my blog moving. One site, Technorati is the authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs. (This becomes slightly relevant later in the story.) So I follow Kirk's direction and then proceed to read several "recommended" blogs to help me get a feel for what's out there and draws attention. While doing so I run across a blog for David Sifry, the CEO of (you guessed it) Technorati. Look at the stats he posted today on his blog:

What a couple of months this has been! First, some stats on what's going on in the blogosphere. Technorati is now tracking over 13.3 Million blogs, and 1.3 billion links. We are seeing over 900,000 posts per day on average, which means we're adding about 10 posts per second. We're also seeing about 80,000 new weblogs created each day. That's more weblogs created each day than there were total when I started the service in November 2002. And our search traffic has increased by over 40% month on month for each of the last 4 months. The day of the london bombings we saw over 1.2 Million posts, and had an additional 30% increase in traffic as people turned to weblogs, moblogs, and other citizen's media for instant updates on events in London, survivor accounts, and sharing of deep feelings on the tragedy.

Is that not surprising?