Tuesday, October 11, 2005

VoIP on the rocks

The next BIG thing. First there was sliced bread (started in NW Missouri), then the internet, next TiVo and just around the corner VoIP! What last year was bleeding edge (painful) is now cutting edge. I'm starting to see more of it all the time. Last week eBay bought Skype, a leading provider of residential VoIP service.

Voice over Internet Protocol brings home users, small and medium sized businesses the features and service that were once only available through the purchase of expensive phone switches. Those that have tried it, love it. Think of every feature possible, it's yours at little, to no additional cost. All customizable for each individual user. Caller ID, 3-way calling, conference calling, voicemail to your email box, and call waiting; all included. It can call your office, next your cell, then your home. Music on hold, sure! Directory assistance, absolutely.

The biggest issue for those of us looking to provide VoIP solutions to businesses? A recent Harris Poll found that only 13 percent of the public knows what it is. 10 percent thought it was the name of a vodka.

Drinks on me, sign here.


Anonymous said...

We have VoIP at home and pay not a full $17 a month for all the features we could ask for. We can even check our vm's online and listen to them at work via our laptops. I highly recommend it.