Saturday, May 20, 2006

this could be trouble....

Last week, I received one of those letters no one ever wants to see in their mailbox. The Internal Revenue Service was making a case for some back taxes they felt were owed to them.

I wasn't pleased about it, but in usual fashion was confident things would be resolved without much trouble. I sent the letter over to my tax man and until today hadn't thought much about it. Turns out the IRS is taking things much more seriously than I. Below is yesterday's detail for one specific visitor to my site:

IP Address: 152.216.7.# (INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE)
City: District of Columbia
State: Washington
Time of Visit: May 19 2006 10:33:38 am
Referring URL:
Search Engine:
Search Words: inpostauthor:brett smith

Come on Uncle Sam. If you are so concerned, pick up the phone and give me a call. I wonder if they use Google to catch all the bad guys?