Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
back it up.... a little more....
that's perfect.

Posted by Brett at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Twitter Kids
Just a few days into my Twitter experience and I have a new market idea for them..... KIDS. Rather than a social networking service, this one is a parenting service.
Wouldn't parents love to have their kids answer the question "What are you doing?" I know I would. Text/Email messages throughout the day, with updates from Savanna, Beckett and Luke. How great would that be?
Now how can we get them texting at 12 months?
Posted by Brett at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
blog about blogging
I spent good part of Saturday night and Sunday afternoon sharpening my internet skills. The result was a full Blog overhaul. I never got comfortable with my last Blog format so it was ditched and replaced with a simple set up from Blogger. The burnt orange color is a complete accident.
Aside from the format, the biggest changes you'll find are on the side bar. A quick summary of the newest widgets.
- Twitter - answers the question "What are you doing?" expect my answers here. (I'm sad to say my sister beat me to this new social network.)
- My Blog List - a similar list as before with status updates on the blogger's most recent post.
- Recent Readers Map - this is a new widget from Lijit showing WHERE my readers are.
- LinkedIn - the net's best networking tool
- LastFM - my recent music
- MyBlogLog - not where but WHO is visiting
Posted by Brett at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 07, 2008
Get Connected
You know him as John, I call him... well I haven't actually called him. Last week, Republican Presidential Nominee, John McCain accepted the invitation to join my professional Linkedin networking group.
Congratulations! You and John are now connected.
View John's profile to:
- Download John's current contact information
- Write a recommendation for John
- Find opportunities through John's network
- See who you know in common
Posted by Brett at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
crossing the line
For all but 1 of the last 9 years I have managed to keep the Chevron gas station on the corner of Mockingbird and 183 between my home and office. A pretty amazing feat considering I've lived in 3 homes, 2 apartments and had 3 different work locations during that time.
Due to it's convenience, the Chevron combination McDonald's has become my favorite stop for breakfast. Over the years, I've averaged, roughly, about two stops per week at the site. Each and every time without exception... 1 breakfast burrito from McDonald's and 1 20 ounce Mountain Dew from the station... always to go. Yes, it's the breakfast of champions.
Why does any of this matter you ask? Way back in 1999, the burrito $1.09, the Dew $1.19 both after tax. A pretty good deal. Walk in with 3 bucks walk out with breakfast and a decent amount of change for the car's ashtray. To the best of my memory those prices held fast for several years. Then, this morning the unthinkable happened.
I walked in with $3. First stop today was at the Chevron counter. Mountain Dew $1.40. I thought to myself, "Wow, I wonder when $3 won't buy me breakfast anymore?" I strolled over to the Mickey D's counter taking a nice long swig of my cold Dew. "One burrito please....." "That's $1.61" they replied.
Having spent all of my $3, I "borrowed" THE extra penny from a guy in line next me, took my burrito, walked out to my car and while still in my parking space reluctantly ate what very well may be my last breakfast on the go.
Posted by Brett at 8:32 PM 0 comments