Saturday, July 26, 2008

sit right down, take a seat....

Tell me what you want to eat.  Have a haircut and a shave please don't kill us........

Today's "Lunch Time" photo was all the justification Sarah and I needed to get Luke a long overdue haircut.  We talked about it.  Agreed it needed to be done.  Then took no action.

Following dinner, having only a short list of entertainment options, Sarah and I made the decision to cut Luke's hair ourselves.  First issue?  The only comb we could find was meant to be used on Savanna's barbie dolls.  Second issue?  The kitchen scissors were to big and the office ones weren't sharp.

The entertainment value associated with the task didn't last long.  Sarah and I both struggled to have any success.  In time, I began to slowly make progress.  I won't say I ever became really confident with what I was doing, but end the end I am pretty pleased with the results.

I have to give it a second try on Beckett in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww.. the little guy looks great!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this blog, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question. Is it typical to go 19 days between blog entries? Is your life really that boring?