Happy Ending
Rita was lots of talk but not much walk. Well at least she didn't cause much damage to the Galveston and Houston area. They chaos of Katria combined with the strength of Rita in the gulf, caused 8 of my family members and some 2.3 million others to head north out of Southeast Texas last week. While the 12 hour trip to Dallas wasn't much fun for the relatives, the 3 day weekend made up for it. We ate much food, played many games and the best part (for Vanita and me) was having 8 extra people to entertain Savanna. While Savanna did most of the entertaining, there were 16 extra eyes to look her way each of the 800 times she said "watch this!"
While everyone returned to Houston with their homes in the same condition as they were left, my ride home with Savanna was a wonderful finish to the weekend. We are cruising along, A/C blowing, radio humming, and Savanna jabbering away, as usual. Suddenly she just stops talking, and began to roll up her picture. This action is usally the beginning of using a "spotting scope," but not today. She smiles at me like she's about to do something special. "Dad, start it over." "What?" I ask. "Play Float On again."
Float On, by Modest Mouse was playing on my CD player.
"Ok" I tell her. "Dad you do the music and I'll sing." I know this is going to be fun. I hit the back arrow on the radio and start my part. "Ba DAAA Ba dump BAA Da." Savanna nods her approval and puts the rolled up paper to her mouth. "i back my mmm into COP CAR the other DAY!" "mumble made up words mumble" "AND WE AAAALLLLL float on OK!"
She has MAD skills.
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