I'm a little loud
I prefer to refer to it as enthusiastic, excited, passionate, and possibly animated. Loud is just too negative for my taste. When you've been in the same environment for 6 years, as I was with XO, I guess co-workers were just use to me. They only theme I consistently recall adhering to was "Exciting times at XO!" Which perfectly fit nearly every situation at XO. Negative or Positive, in telecom, it's always exciting.
Now at my new place of employment, the environment is a little different, still exciting, but different. I'm still on a the same floor as 50 or 60 other workers but being in an executive suite means they 1) are not likely to be in telecom 2) have a 1 in 10 chance of working directly with me. This apparently gives fellow floor mates the right to send strange looks my way as they pass my desk. I've made a few notes of what I'm doing or have just done when they send the look my way.
singing Plush
clapping (like at a sporting event) CLAP..... clap clap.....CLAP..... clap clap
had a little gas
laughing out loud (this one is fairly frequent)
lit a match, after having a little gas (by the look, I'm not sure which is worse)
hooting (WOoooo, whoo)
laying on my desk (my back was killing me)
whistling the Superman theme song (great things are about to happen)
Exciting times, my friends, exciting times.
A little gas? Is little really the correct word here?
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