and they pay us too
I really enjoy what I do. It is great to meet new clients and find solutions to their problems. The constant change always keeps me on my toes. In telecom, they say "If you don't like the way things are.... give it a day. Things are bound to change." I been able to learn from all the different "characters" who have worked with me. But, the thing that really makes it all worth while is the Big Sale.
Today, we caught a whopper. The account's monthly revenue is nearly twice the size of our next biggest account. "I firmly believe that any rep's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that they hold dear, is that moment when they have worked their heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted at the end of the month — over quota." Today, I couldn't agree more.
To make things even better... While we were celebrating, I got a call telling me there were Go Peds in the parking lot. What a concept, telecom reps on wheels!
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