How 60,000 stamps cost me $2
I woke up this morning with a long list of things to do. One of which was to get our Christmas cards stuffed, stamped, addressed and out the door.
Lacking only stamps, I made a early trip to the post office to purchase a roll. Once at the store, I was told they were out of 2005 stamps and would have to pay the 2006 rate of $.39 per stamp. Being me, I had to know how this could have happened so I asked "How did this happen?"
"We had an extra 60,000 Christmas stamps delivered yesterday morning and by end of day they were gone." If the smaller of two post offices in little Mansfield (Pop. 37,018) sold that many stamps in one day, can you image how many stamps are being stuck across the US this weekend?
Quite a few.
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