Tuesday, January 30, 2007


These days it seems the "latest and greatest" is all about being mobile. There's mobile phones, mobile internet and mobile employees that lead to mobile workforces then offices.

But the latest and greatest "mobile" item at our house has Luke a little upset. You see, over the last couple of weeks, Beckett has fully mastered the art of walking. Yes he's mobile. He loves to go places without having anywhere to go.

What's the problem? We have found Luke's pacifiers in the toilet and his music box in the diaper genie.

Beckett appears to be quite a prankster.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The South is Soft

Today a little snow mixed in with a little sleet fell on North Texas. The result? Most of the Dallas - Fort Worth population stayed home from work and school.

Luckily, I was entertained by Luke and watched 8 hours of "Winter Blast" coverage on NBC5i. While I was a bit embarrassed some frozen precipitation kept me home, I was glad to not be stuck out in the mess.

Savanna also got out in it, making her best Texas Snowman.

Let's hope for warmer weather tomorrow.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

How Many?

Bath time for a 11 week old should be no problem huh? When everyone is together it becomes a bit more challenging.

So I pose the question.... How many people does it take to bath a baby?

The answer: 4

Sunday, January 07, 2007

happy NEW year

Hello... HELLO!!! Anyone out there? I'm hoping so... I've decided to give this blog thing another run in 07. Here it goes.

Right in step with the New Year I have two other items that are fairly new.

The word is out on this first one but he has yet to be formally introduced via the blog. Folks meet Luke.
He has two big fans.

The second, is a new career opportunity with Sprint. I'm just getting started, but really excited to learn about the cellular side of the telecom industry.