Saturday, December 15, 2007

No Girls Allowed!

Today, all the girls in the family are baking cookies from sun up to sun down. And, let me tell you, the boys and I are truly enjoying the peace and quite.

Yesterday, was full of nonsense. I'll share with you two examples. Sarah had an out of town customer appointment which required a little over an hour drive each way. About 10am, while I'm in the middle of a conference call with my boss, Sarah dials my phone TWICE. Each call was followed by voicemail messages. I text to her: "on a call"... She replies: "HAAAA HAAAA!!".

Here's one of the messages.

In case you couldn't make out the lyrics, that was I Ain't Missing You - by Joan White. Just splendid.

# 2. While I was unpacking the car, Sarah and Savanna were doing some early preparation for the full day of cooking. This required for them to use room temperate stick butter. As I'm headed to the garage for the last time Sarah says, "Look! Pretty smart huh?" I look and she has two gas burners lit with three sticks of butter walled around them. I gave her a courtesy "Real smart" and headed to the garage. Before I made it back to the house Savanna was yelling "DAD!!! HURRY THE STOVE IS ON FIRE!!!"

Today, the boys and I are the smart ones for staying home. We are NOT missing anyone. Nor will there be any fires to put out. Good luck with the cookies ladies.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10 Years

I finally received my new drivers license in the mail today. As should be expected, items on my driving record prevented the new license from arriving on time.

My old license issued to me on my birthday in 97 was long overdue for a new photo.

So roughly 10 years later (this was in June) I walked into the local DPS office excited to apply for my new license. I suspected their might be some trouble as I had two pending traffic citations I was contesting in our wonderful legal system. I brought with me some documentation to help clear my name.

After a bit of research by their detailed staff, I was told there was nothing to be concerned about and completed the renewal process. I have to admit, leaving the office I was quite jovial. 3 months later instead of a new license, I received notice that my license had been suspended.

After spending several hours on hold and speaking with voice response operators way too long I dropped $90 on "fees" and all was made better. TaaaDa!

I'm good to go for another 5 years! I guess the state feels they need to check in on me more frequently than every 10 years.

Monday, July 02, 2007

we will continue to tell you "You are Happy!" until you know it

What an evening. My throat is sore, my hands hurt and my feet ache.

It all started with a trip to the grocery store. We were confident it would be a successful journey. Luke had eaten, gone for a walk and was in a fresh diaper. Sarah and I, with Luke riding along, made it through (every isle of) the store, pushing the cart to capacity, without any major issues. In fact, Luke was the perfect little boy and as a result, received several compliments from other store shoppers.

We were so pleased with his behavior that after unloading the cart we decided to run another errand. This one was easy. It simply required a short 15 minute trip to my in-law's house. Luke didn't even need to get out of the car.

We arrived. Jumped out of the car and opened the door for Luke so he could still hear us or maybe us hear him. Before we even had the house door open Luke began SCREAMING! We couldn't stop him. We both tried.... he had lost it. Quickly we jumped back in the car and headed home. More SCREAMING. I'm serious. This wasn't crying, he was mad and wanted to be sure we knew it. I attempted to calm him by holding his "pacy" in his mouth. He ripped it way and threw it to the floor.

Suddenly! Like the sun breaking through the recently ever present Dallas clouds, Sarah began to sing. If.... YOU'RE...... Happy and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS! me: CLAP, CLAP...... you know how it goes. STOMP, STOMP..... ALL THREE!

Luke stopped screaming. He wasn't Happy, but he did quit yelling at us. We sang the song clear through I'm guessing 3 times. Then Sarah switched to a different song, BINGO or something like that.... The screaming quickly returned. Back to Happy and You Know it. I bet we sang it 10 times before finally making it home.

Forced happiness. Good times.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Red River Rivalry

How does this OU Football fan find himself in a Texas "t"?

No I'm not riding the bandwagon. Instead, I'm sleeping with the enemy.

My apologies to both schools and their fans. I doubt either are pleased.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


About a week ago or so this "bird" (said in Mary Lou's best voice - emphasize the B! - hold the r) came strolling through our front yard.

What kind of "bird" is it, you ask? My thoughts exactly. My first guess was.... the friendly blue bird of happiness. Not quite. After doing some research on Google and Wikipedia I determined it was a little blue heron, often found near swamps and creeks. Although we have no creeks or ponds to speak of in the area, neighbors informed Sarah and me that it's nest was just a block over on Hall. For no identifiable reason I took this "bird" sighting as a good sign.

Fast Forward to this past Friday. I had the pleasure of hosting 3 of my oldest friends, Eric, Darin and Danny, at the house for my birthday weekend. We ate much good food. Nearly (I use the term loosely) set the all time high score on a punching bag machine at the local dive. Mastered Wii Sports. Witnessed, from the 7th row, a rare Texas Rangers victory. Competed in 18 holes of demanding miniature golf. And played several serious games of pool basketball. In the end, Eric deemed himself champion of the most events and crowned himself King. Here's a photo for the Tarkio trophy case.

I think it is no coincidence that this birthday, my 33rd, is the jersey number of my favorite basketball player and coach, Larry "Bird". I expect this to be one legendary year.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

a little too big.... for his britches

Folks meet Elmo. Join his "circle of trust" and you can call him Mo.

Although his legs are small, Mo lives quite large. Each night he is tucked in on goose down bedding. Check his water dish? No that isn't tap water.... it's Ozarka. Yea it's a bit ridiculous.

However, this past week Mo took it to all new levels. You see at the last Vet visit Mo was told he needed to drop a few pounds. The best way to accomplish the task was to substitute one scoop of food with green beans.

Initially, this change was eagerly accepted. We used up the two cans of French Cut Green Beans in the pantry and Mo loved them. Without giving it much thought we picked up 8 cans of Wal-Mart green beans during out next trip to the neighborhood grocery store.

Surprise... Surprise... Mo won't eat cheap green beans. He kicks his bowl. He spreads them all over the kitchen. Worst of all... he strolls around this place thinking he's Paulie Walnuts.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bursting at the Seams

T-Town, better know as Tarkio, Mo was bursting at the seems this past Memorial Day weekend. We had the whole family together for the first time since Luke joined the team. That along with everyone else back for the annual Alumni Dinner/Dance had the town in a vivacious state.

For more pics check my Flickr site.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

not your typical guys night

This weekend Sarah went on a little business trip leaving the house to me and the boys. Knowing the kind of trouble an 11 year old dog and a 7 month baby can find on a Saturday, she was hesitant to leave the three of us alone.

Luckily for her our evening more closely resembled a date night than a guys night.

Bowl of Dog Food + Jar of applesauce + 6 oz of formula + Baby Einstein = Dinner, Drinks and a movie. I've got some work to do with these guys.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Does it get any better than kicking back in a La-Z-Boy and watching the March Madness with your best friend for an entire Sunday afternoon?

It Does! Add barefoot, chairside roomservice and going to the bathroon in your chair. The perfect Lazy Sunday.

Friday, March 16, 2007

You gotta be full of it....

I realize it is only day 2 of the NCAA Tourney but the banter is alreadyin full swing.

This year Melanie is, again, hoping to improve on her 1 and 9 head to head record against me in tournament pools. Unfortunately for her I've jumped out to an early lead, prompting her use a favorite family saying, "A dog that poops fast, doesn't poop long."

While the saying my be accurate, something tells me it isn't applicable to my tourney bracket.

Happy St. Patty's Day.

Friday, March 09, 2007


It's a widely accepted theory that just about any thing can happen on a weekend trip to Vegas. My last trip to fabulous Las Vegas was no exception.

What was intended to be "just" a 30th birthday party for my brother in law, David, turned out to be much, much more.

That's right Sarah and I got married at the Little White Wedding Chapel, Saturday night, Feburary 24th.

Thanks to David's brother Jon for the photographs.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

75% Winston

This past week, Luke surpassed the 3 month timeline and in doing so received two new labels.

The 1st we learned during our most recent doctor's visit. Luke's height and weight puts him in the 75th percentile. The below photo does a good job of displaying why.

The 2nd was given to him by his grandparents. They enjoy calling him "Winston." See any resemblance?

Here is a quote from Churchill.... "There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies."

Based on Luke's size, he's in full agreement.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


These days it seems the "latest and greatest" is all about being mobile. There's mobile phones, mobile internet and mobile employees that lead to mobile workforces then offices.

But the latest and greatest "mobile" item at our house has Luke a little upset. You see, over the last couple of weeks, Beckett has fully mastered the art of walking. Yes he's mobile. He loves to go places without having anywhere to go.

What's the problem? We have found Luke's pacifiers in the toilet and his music box in the diaper genie.

Beckett appears to be quite a prankster.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The South is Soft

Today a little snow mixed in with a little sleet fell on North Texas. The result? Most of the Dallas - Fort Worth population stayed home from work and school.

Luckily, I was entertained by Luke and watched 8 hours of "Winter Blast" coverage on NBC5i. While I was a bit embarrassed some frozen precipitation kept me home, I was glad to not be stuck out in the mess.

Savanna also got out in it, making her best Texas Snowman.

Let's hope for warmer weather tomorrow.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

How Many?

Bath time for a 11 week old should be no problem huh? When everyone is together it becomes a bit more challenging.

So I pose the question.... How many people does it take to bath a baby?

The answer: 4

Sunday, January 07, 2007

happy NEW year

Hello... HELLO!!! Anyone out there? I'm hoping so... I've decided to give this blog thing another run in 07. Here it goes.

Right in step with the New Year I have two other items that are fairly new.

The word is out on this first one but he has yet to be formally introduced via the blog. Folks meet Luke.
He has two big fans.

The second, is a new career opportunity with Sprint. I'm just getting started, but really excited to learn about the cellular side of the telecom industry.