Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is Tim Allen on TV again?

Don't kids say the craziest things? Luke and I were crusin' south bound on the N. Dallas Tollway heading home from work and school when out of no where we have the below conversation.

Luke: "This truck has lots of horsepower, right Dad?"

I'm laughing because I can't recall ever having a horsepower conversation with Luke.

Luke: "Right, Dad?"

Me: still chuckling... "right"

Luke: "What's so funny Dad?"

Me: trying to blow it off... "Nothing"

Luke: "Is it horsepower? Are you laughing at horsepower?"

Me: laughing again... "Yes"

Luke: angry voice.... "Horsepower isn't funny. It's Cool!"

I may be biased but someone seems pretty funny and cool.