Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Q School - World Golf Tour

Several years back I reluctantly accepted the fact that a PGA Tour career was not in my future.

However, about a week ago I was told the dream could still be alive. The news came in the form of an email with a simple little link to the World Golf Tour. I have since passed along the link to numerous others.

In it's current format, you play a 9 hole closest to the pin challenge. You are then ranked against all other competitors in the world. Also, awards are given out for Holes in One, Consecutive Shots inside 20 Feet and Top 100 rankings. A full 18 hole course is rolling out in the near future and you'll be able to play foursomes online with friends.

I haven't cracked the top 500 players in the world, but am doing my best to hold my own here in the Southwest Region. My caddie spot is still open.... any takers? Levings?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

dodged the ball, but not the low blow

It happened when I least expected it. I was dominating Savanna in a game of Dodge Ball. She seemed to be enjoying defeat. Laughing hysterically each time she was struck

Turns out she was just waiting to take me out with one big blow to my ego. As I wound up for the last point, Savanna yells to me "BRING IT ON OLD MAN!"

Game, Set, Match.

Savanna - 1
Old Man - Humiliated

Monday, January 21, 2008


The last few days I've been on a roll, both on the blog and around the house.

Two weeks ago to the date, our dishwasher began to have water standing at the completion of the wash cycle. We phoned our home warranty service, Broward Factory Service better known as BFS, to have the issue repaired.

A few days later a "technician" arrived on site only to tell us we needed a new part. A few more days later he returned to install the part and deem the dishwasher fixed.

That evening water still stood at the bottom of the machine so we called again and was told their "Best Man" would be out tomorrow (which is today) to fix our dishwasher. He did come by, did something and again deemed the dishwasher fixed.

You guessed it. Still water standing. You see when water is left after the cycle, the next cycle doesn't really get clean. Which means you have to re-wash the dishes by hand. As I've been told a time or two.... "if you want something done right, do it yourself".

So I pulled the dishwasher out from under the counter. Took off the two drain covers from within the machine. There appeared to be no blockage. So I next pulled (I use that term loosely) off the back and the water began to drain into the "bucket" I provided. I next blew into the hose and "felt" something dislodge from the hose. I was feeling pretty good. Everything was put back together and pushed back under the counter.

We just finished our first cycle in two weeks with ZERO water standing at the end.

Woo Hoo. BFS' "Best" - 0 BPS - 1.

You might want to second guess that home warranty coverage from BFS.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Boggie Woggie, Woggie!

You can't do without it, It's Electric.

This weekend Sarah and I received a new light for the dining room. There was some concern by my better half, that I wouldn't be able to install this Christmas gift on my own. Given my family history with electricity, I completely understood her concern.

Now I had successfully hung a few ceiling fans in the past and thus didn't expect any issues today. Still I had something to prove. I carefully read the limited instructions. Turned off power to the room. Made SURE Green, White and Black MATCHED Green White and Black. Utilized an electric tester I had purchased in the past. You get the idea, crossed each "t" and dotted each "i".

And surprise, surprise, the install was completed without much trouble at all. No blown light bulbs, microwave, furnace or washing machine.

Next time there's electric trouble in T-town, give me a call. I'll be glad to offer some help.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bath Time - Mobile Blogging

Luke loves the bath! Sent using Mobile Blogging via my new Motorolla Q9c.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Guilt from Loyalty

This evening Sarah is still at the office working to have one very BIG month. With my free time I went out to the web to see if anyone still visits this site. I was pleasantly surprised to see I have some loyal followers. You know who you are, thanks for always checking in.

Also interesting, I get about 1 hit a week (I'm big time!) via a google search.

From Illinois "no one comes into our house and pushes us around" visited for a few minutes.

Someone in Denver was looking for info on the "kfc bowl" and found it here.

The funniest search finding my site? From NY "1,2,3 to the 4 snoop doggy dog and dr dre at the door" I bet they weren't expecting a kindergarten story.

And my favorite, "Turkeys are done, People are Finished" enjoyed the read so much they came back a few days later.

So my tag line "My feeble attempt to contribute to the wonderful world of the internet." is a success! :-)