Thursday, October 18, 2007

10 Years

I finally received my new drivers license in the mail today. As should be expected, items on my driving record prevented the new license from arriving on time.

My old license issued to me on my birthday in 97 was long overdue for a new photo.

So roughly 10 years later (this was in June) I walked into the local DPS office excited to apply for my new license. I suspected their might be some trouble as I had two pending traffic citations I was contesting in our wonderful legal system. I brought with me some documentation to help clear my name.

After a bit of research by their detailed staff, I was told there was nothing to be concerned about and completed the renewal process. I have to admit, leaving the office I was quite jovial. 3 months later instead of a new license, I received notice that my license had been suspended.

After spending several hours on hold and speaking with voice response operators way too long I dropped $90 on "fees" and all was made better. TaaaDa!

I'm good to go for another 5 years! I guess the state feels they need to check in on me more frequently than every 10 years.