Friday, December 30, 2005

The Reverse New Year's Resolution.

About this time last year, I read a great article by my favorite motivational speaker, Marshall Goldsmith. I hung on to the article planning to share it with my sales team just before everyone left for the year. I hope it also makes a decent year end blog post.

Making a Resolution that Matters. Below are a my crib notes.

I want you to imagine that you're 95 years old. The 95-year-old you understands what was really important and what wasn't, what mattered and what didn't, what counted and what didn't really count. What advice would this wise "old you" have for the "you" who is reading this page?

Take a few seconds and answer this question on two levels: personal and professional. Jot down a few words that capture what the old you would be saying to the younger you that is here today.

My suggestion is simple. Just do whatever you wrote down. Make that your resolution for this year and next.

The wise old you has finally realized that the next promotion, the next achievement, or the corner office really won't change your world that much. Many older people say they were so wrapped up in looking for what they didn't have that they seldom appreciated what they did have.

So (this year) do the reverse New Year's resolution. Don't look ahead. Look behind. Know that you need to be happy now, to enjoy your friends and family, to follow your dreams. This is good advice for everyone who wants a fulfilling career. It's also great advice for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

and they pay us too

I really enjoy what I do. It is great to meet new clients and find solutions to their problems. The constant change always keeps me on my toes. In telecom, they say "If you don't like the way things are.... give it a day. Things are bound to change." I been able to learn from all the different "characters" who have worked with me. But, the thing that really makes it all worth while is the Big Sale.

Today, we caught a whopper. The account's monthly revenue is nearly twice the size of our next biggest account. "I firmly believe that any rep's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that they hold dear, is that moment when they have worked their heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted at the end of the month — over quota." Today, I couldn't agree more.

To make things even better... While we were celebrating, I got a call telling me there were Go Peds in the parking lot. What a concept, telecom reps on wheels!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Texas Kid with Tarkio Roots

Beckett wasn't born in Tarkio but he'll get there as fast as he can. Here's his new favorite shirt.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Savanna's Knock Out Gift

Last night, the last of our holiday guests arrived for what is off to be an eventful Christmas celebration. We started out, as nearly all of our get togethers do, with food and highly competitive games. Just as we were all about to head out on the town, Dad and I caused more commotion than Santa on Christmas morning.

We were pushing and shoving each other waiting for everyone to get their things together. Vanita called it but not in time, "Guys quit it! Savanna is right behind you!" Nanoseconds later Savanna caught a HARD elbow to the right eye. I felt terrible and pretty scared at the same time. The girls went into panic mode.

We rushed to the hospital. The nurses were wonderful. Stitches were avoided. And best of all, we found out Savanna was one tough little girl. Your first shiner! Merry Christmas, Savanna.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Saturday Night Live

Each of the last two weeks SNL has hit home runs with two of the better skits I've seen from them in years.

The first a Digital Short on the new movie The Chronicles of Narnia.

The second is a great play on a wonderful sales moive, Glengarry Glen Ross. This time Alec Baldwin is an elf in Always Be Cobbling.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holiday Lights and a Year End Review

I thought I would pass along two great links from one of my favorite bloggers, Brad Feld.

First, a JibJab 2-0-5 year end round-up from George W. Bush.

Next, Christmas Lights you love to see and hear but wouldn't want on your neighbors house.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

How 60,000 stamps cost me $2

I woke up this morning with a long list of things to do. One of which was to get our Christmas cards stuffed, stamped, addressed and out the door.

Lacking only stamps, I made a early trip to the post office to purchase a roll. Once at the store, I was told they were out of 2005 stamps and would have to pay the 2006 rate of $.39 per stamp. Being me, I had to know how this could have happened so I asked "How did this happen?"

"We had an extra 60,000 Christmas stamps delivered yesterday morning and by end of day they were gone." If the smaller of two post offices in little Mansfield (Pop. 37,018) sold that many stamps in one day, can you image how many stamps are being stuck across the US this weekend?

Quite a few.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Nice Header

Many thanks go out to D Lee for helping me to customize my "Header."

Here are a few things I learned along the way. It certainly could have been user error, but the software currently loaded on my desktop was no help on the project. Don't bother with HP Image Zone or Photo Flair, neither could merge photos or add text.

So I ventured out to my favorite "shareware" site, Tucows. These guys have it all for every operating system, games, security, web, business, education and luckily photos. I downloaded Adesign without any hassle, and can use it at no cost for the first 50 photo enhancements. It worked perfectly.

Secondly, if you are a blogger.... Don't save changes to your template before testing to see if they work. Nothing like trying to remember all the changes to you made before you clicked save. Anyway all was corrected and I hope you like the new look.

By the way, the picture is fiber optic cable not fireworks. Fiber Optics, the "brianwork" of the internet.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dueling Presents

It looks like we are going to have a duel this Christmas.

Two and half weeks before the big day and gifts started to arrive at our door. While it is always better to give than receive, Vanita and I could never keep up with the number of gifts Savanna receives each Christmas. In addition to being the only Grandchild on either side of our family; friends, neighbors, cousins, aunts, uncles, and all the "Greats" find something wonderful for her each year. We truly are fortunate.

Savanna's gifts reached record heights two years ago. With the addition of Beckett, I can't wait to see what the tree looks like this Christmas morning.

Gigi, Apa, Grandma, Auntie M and Uncle Dave will all be here. We probably need a bigger tree.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Holiday Wishes!!!

Each morning I arrange a set of blocks to wish residents and visitors to our house a:


and each evening I return home to see Savanna has her own message to display:

CMERRYS HRISTMA to all and to all a good night!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Girls are better than boys.

We were back at the house no more than 30 minutes when little Beck needed a diaper change. I headed upstairs to the changing table with BP. I did my best to have everything ready BEFORE actually starting the process.

I got out a new diaper and opened it. Pulled two wipes from the tub plus an alcohol swab for his belly button. All ready.

I unbutton his "onesie", pulled apart the diaper and grabbed a wipe to begin cleaning. The moment the cold wipe hit his bottom, "old faithful" of pee erupted in front of me. It went on his leg, the changing table, the wall, my shirt and his new lamp shade. It was impressive. I'm sure it was shooting 4 to 5 feet in the air at its peak. I was laughing, Beck was screaming and Vanita was just confused. She kept asking, "What's wrong, What's wrong!"

He sure has an intresting way of showing what he doesn't like.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A True Salesman

Having spent the first 29 days of November doing nearly nothing, in true sales rep fashion, he caused quite a commotion on this the last day of the month.

Beckett Prakash Smith joined the family this morning at 5:45 am. He weighed in a 6 lbs 9 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. Everything went as well as possible with the pregnancy with both baby and mother very happy and healthy.

We'll be heading home on Friday!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The not so magical website...

I'm a big fan of the email forward. I don't send many but I do love to receive them. If I'm not part of your group forward list, please add me to the fun.

Last week I received a unique email forward, the Psychic Mind Reader. At first I was amazed by it, "How could a website read my thoughts?" Then frustrated, "A website CAN'T read my thoughts."

Give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

Now after a few attempts with it, I was determined to crack the code. I quickly realized the rules of the "Psychic" prevented most of the numbers on the board from being chosen. In fact, only 9 numbers can be chosen; 81, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18 and 9. If you look at those numbers, they all have the same symbol. Now click the "try again" button. Look at those 9 number again. Still all the same symbol, but a different symbol from the previous try.

Websites aren't magical but math is.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

These are the rules.

Last night, Vanita and I went to eat at one of Dallas' new hot spots to celebrate her 32nd birthday. Nobu had a great atmosphere and wonderful food which I guess justified the service. It wasn't bad service they just required each guest to follow a unique set of rules.

It started when I went to make reservations. Vanita had mentioned that reservations needed to be made several months in advance. I made my first call in mid September. Nobu informed me reservations couldn't be made more than 30 days prior to the requested date. So when October 12th arrived a made my second call. A message informed me that reservations were only taken between the hours of 10 and 5. On the 13th I tried again. This time someone answered.

"I would like to make a reservation on the 12th of November." I requested.

"Sir, we only take reservation between 10 and 5."

"I know, but it's only 5:10. Are you really too busy to take my reservation." I pleaded

"Sir, rules are rules. You'll have to try again between 10 and 5."

Finally on my 4th attempt I successfully made my reservation.

At the start of our meal we learned another interesting rule. We had just been served our first of several Sushi Rolls and Vanita was struggling with her chopsticks. I stopped our waiter and asked if we could have a fork. He leaned down real close to our table...

"Sir, I'm sorry but we can't provide you with a fork."

"Do you have forks?" I asked.

"Yes, but we don't let you use them."

"Then why do you have them?" Which seemed to be the next logical question.

"They are just for dessert."

In the end it actually added to the enjoyment of our meal. Watching Vanita attempt to poke, stab, squeeze and balance her food with chopsticks was more than worth the cost of the meal.

Friday, November 11, 2005

A bunch of Bull

Yesterday, with the NBA season now in full swing, I found myself in yet another heated debate about the greatest NBA teams of all time.

What is it about about Michael Jordan fans that makes them so unreasonable?

Let's keep in mind that all of this is debatable. There are no absolutes in this conversation. My co-worker seemed to think otherwise.

I'll give you (and the vast majority of fans would agree) that Michael Jordan is the greatest individual basketball player of all time. BUT, that doesn't mean he the best team player of all time. If I could have any player, from any time to start a team, Jordan would not be my first choice. I'd take him third.

Bull's Fans, Yes, I can hear you screaming.

Listen, it took Jordan 6 years before he could get the Bulls to the finals. Magic and Bird both got there in the first two years. Sure the Bulls won 6 titles with Jordan, but look at who they played. The team's of the 90's couldn't hold a candle to those in the 80's. Can you honestly compare (90's) Blazers, Suns, Supersonics and Jazz to (80's) Celtics, Lakers, Pistons and 76ers? It's not even close. Jordan had to wait for the great players to retire before he could win the big one.

Yes, I still hear you screaming.

So I posed the question. How many titles would the 90's Bulls won had they played in the 80's? Do you know what he said? "7" Are you crazy? Can you hear me screaming now? I know it's debatable, but honestly how can a reasonable person think that to be true.

I don't even want to get into Phil Jackson. Who couldn't have coached that team to win at that time?

Anyway, while we are on the subject of basketball. A few days ago, I stumbled across this great article by Paul Shirley. It's a pretty interesting take on how we view our favorite celebrities before meeting them. It's long but well worth the read. If you have time click here.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Elevator Speech: "Life Lesson"

Returning from an appointment today, I met an interesting fellow in the elevator. Let me set the stage a bit.

We have two separate elevator systems in our building. Two elevators are used only for the parking garage while another six are used for the twelve floors of office space. Occasionally, newcomers to the building get them confused.

So I'm on "P2" waiting for the elevator. The door opens and only 1 of the 2 people exit. I'm feeling a little "chatty" as I enter the elevator, so I ask "What's going on?" This guy was great! He was in his mid 40's, graying ponytail, with the odd combination of a delivery boy ball cap and a fully stocked tool belt, which was partially hidden by his "fuel tank". He answered with a "Not much." I fired right back at him "Well, why not?"

Now I had his attention. He struggled for an answer, "I guess I don't know." It's time to shoot him straight, "You got on the wrong elevator, didn't you?" He was a bit embarrassed but fessed up, "Yep." Just before the doors open to the lobby I tell him "Now you know."

From the lobby to his stop on 7, the "floor" was his. "You know what G.I. JOE says?" Uuhhh, No? "Knowing is half the battle." He is all smiles at this point "A buddy of mine says there is more than just Knowing and Doing there's a 3rd thing..." I was hanging on his every word. "You got to want to!" "All three things, Know it, Want it, Do it." That was it, the doors opened and he was gone.

I didn't have a chance to get a name or a number, but if your looking to book him as you next motivational speaker, just call directory assistance for the only sandwich delivering tool man in Irving, Texas.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Where's my camera?

Well it wasn't number 1 or 2 on the list but it certainly could be in the 3 spot.

On the way home, tonight in the car, Savanna had another "First." It wasn't quite like those first steps or first words. This "First" was totally unexpected. It wasn't months ahead.... it was YEARS ahead of schedule.

Following our standard routine, we were listening to some tunes on the CD player. I played each request she made. First was Float On followed by Mr. Brightside. Then she made a new request. I had been working with her to introduce a new band. "Dad, now play Bloc Party." I was pretty fired up about it and quickly selected my favorite tune.

Circle the date, November 2, 2005, at just 4 years, 2 months and 10 days Savanna says, "Dad, Look! I have a guitar." As I turn towards the back seat.... Savanna is rocking with her "First" Air Guitar. Proud parents we are.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Dollar Headache

The blog is back.

Picture me in a bear suit. (stay with me) I'm on a unicycle. Add juggling. Now cue the circus music. That was me last Thursday preparing for a trip to Atlanta while keeping both my bosses happy (the one at work AND the one at home).

You see, Vanita didn't want me away from home two consecutive nights even though I had 10am meetings both Tuesday and Wednesday. My compromise? Take the red eye flight Monday, thus giving ample time (in my mind) to spend at home with the family before leaving.

All seemed well and good until I went online to add a hotel room. My favorite place to stay, Doubletree Guest Suites, was booked full. My usual back up, Hampton Inn, only had rooms available one of two nights. My final request for any hotel was answered with three options. I selected a Holiday Inn not too far from the office.

Next it was on to the car rental. With each request absolutely nothing was available. No compact, not sporty, nor luxury. Alright, what is up? I call our corporate travel agent. Turns out the combination of Wilma running everyone out of Florida and NASCAR being in town had Atlanta booked full. Luckily the agent was able to get me a midsized car from Dollar Rent A Car.

I'm not one to second guess things. What's done is done. But something about arriving into a fully booked city after midnight had me concerned. So 3 hours prior to my flight I made a few calls. First, Holiday Inn. "Of course, we will have a room for you." How silly of me to ask. Now, Dollar. "Of course, we have a car for you at 12 noon." "Hold on." I knew it. "My reservation is for 12 midnight." To make a long conversation short. They didn't have any cars available at midnight but were going to try and have one available for me when I arrived.

I know what you are thinking. But let me tell you.... as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, my reservation was for midnight. I have 2 forms of proof.

Ok, I knew I had to remain calm if I was to stand any chance of getting a car from Dollar. Once in Atlanta, I take a short shuttle ride to the rental site and entered the lobby with high hopes. The hopes were quickly dashed away by Mrs. Indifference. I requested politely to speak with her manager. Mrs. Apathy suggested "I take the shuttle back to the airport and grab a cab to my hotel." I requested Dollar pay for my cab. They declined and I decided to hold my ground.

They went into quick internal conference and out comes this guy "Rick". "Let me see what I can do" he says. As he starts pecking away at the keyboard, around the corner comes Mrs. Indifference. "Rick! MY customers better have cars when they get here." I lost it. "What am I? Am I a customer?" she apparently didn't think so responding with "Sir! your reservation is at 12 noon." This was her last chance, "Is it possible your system is wrong." She answered with "Never."

To this ridiculous answer I offered a trophy as a prize and instructed her on a nice warm place where it should be stowed. It was over. I had Hertz on the phone before security could get to me. Hertz did a great job. They had a few cancels and were able to get me into a car for a few days.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Start the slow clap...

This month's issue of GQ features a great article titled, In Praise of the Male Chick Flick. It's based on that certain kind of movie that sets out to push men's emotional buttons. Here's there top 5.

5. Brian's Song, 1971
I haven't seen this one, but from what I hear there is no reason it shouldn't be in the top 5.

4. Good Will Hunting, 1997
Great flick that took Affleck and Damon from nobodies to somebodies. Best Quote: "You know what the best part of my day is? For about ten seconds, from when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door - cause I think maybe... I'll knock on the door and you won't be there."

3. Hoosiers, 1986
This would make #1 on my list. I remember our team watching the movie at Pat Martin's, my senior year, before a big game. We were so inspired, the Indians avenged a early season loss and knocked off the top conference team. Best Quote: "You are in the Army. You're in my Army. Everyday between three and five." or "Five players on the floor functioning as one single unit: team, team, team - no one more important than the other."

2. The Shawshank Redemption, 1994
This one never gets old. I must have watched it 10 times and each time it feels like I don't know he is going to break out. Best Quote: "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

1. Field of Dreams, 1989
Come on. This is #1? I never connected with the movie. I might put it in the top 20 but certainly not #1. Here's what should have replaced it in the top 5:

Rudy, 1993
I can't ever hold back the tears when watching it. The soundtrack is also spectacular. I even heard a distant relative of Vince Lombardi uses the soundtrack to pump up audiences during pep talks. Best Quote: "No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house and pushes us around."

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lightning strikes twice.

I just finished reading the most recent issue of Sports Illustrated. It contained a blog worthy story.

Shaun Dean caught two of the biggest home run balls in Astros history. While wearing a glove and sitting in his company's seats he snared Berkman's eight inning grand slam run. About three hours later he grabbed Burke's walk off NLDS winning shot.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

VoIP on the rocks

The next BIG thing. First there was sliced bread (started in NW Missouri), then the internet, next TiVo and just around the corner VoIP! What last year was bleeding edge (painful) is now cutting edge. I'm starting to see more of it all the time. Last week eBay bought Skype, a leading provider of residential VoIP service.

Voice over Internet Protocol brings home users, small and medium sized businesses the features and service that were once only available through the purchase of expensive phone switches. Those that have tried it, love it. Think of every feature possible, it's yours at little, to no additional cost. All customizable for each individual user. Caller ID, 3-way calling, conference calling, voicemail to your email box, and call waiting; all included. It can call your office, next your cell, then your home. Music on hold, sure! Directory assistance, absolutely.

The biggest issue for those of us looking to provide VoIP solutions to businesses? A recent Harris Poll found that only 13 percent of the public knows what it is. 10 percent thought it was the name of a vodka.

Drinks on me, sign here.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mind Games

It's not what you think. This time, it's MY mind playing games with me. The guy (I'm a guy, my brain must be a guy, right?) is having a great time with the games. It's driving me crazy and he (my brain) knows it. The game may never end. Let me give you 3 specific recent examples. I hope you find it as amusing as he does.

#1) Monday, on a plane flight back from Houston I needed something to past the time. I read AmericanWay nearly cover to cover on the way down and was pretty much out of other choices. Making a big mistake, I resorted to the crossword puzzle. One really should be able to spell at a 5th grade level before attempting such a task. So I scroll through the 70 or so clues, confidently answering 4. This is sad. I was pleased with my results. Let's give it a second look. I come to 54 Across, Dodge City, Sheriff. Here we go... I smile thinking, I've seen Tombstone at least 5 times. The sheriff was ___???? My brain starts laughing. HAAAAAA HAAAAA. COME ON!!! The sheriff had his brothers there with him. Please! what was his name? more laughter. HA HA HA. This goes on for another 2 or 3 minutes before I finally give up and put down the puzzle. Today, 2 days later, I dined at a Tex-Mex restaurant not far from the office. As I glance at a picture of cowboys on the wall and my brain shouts, WYATT EARP! HAAAAA HAAAAA.

#2) Yesterday, as I was about the leave to the house. He sends me that ever so frequent signal, you're forgetting something. What is it? Ok, I can do this. I don't need "his" help.

Watch - Check
Ring - Check
Wallet - Check
Laptop - Check

I take two quick laps around the house. Just hoping I might see what was missing. Nothing. One more time.

Watch - Check
Ring - Check
Wallet - Check
Laptop - Check
Oh well, if I can't think of it, how important can it be?

So I drive in to work assured that I have everything I need. Park the car, take the elevator up to the office, plug in the laptop, take out my notebook and reach for my favorite pen. HAAAAA. It's not there. I know this isn't a big deal to most people, but I carry the same pen with me everywhere I go. Once I had the same pen for just under 6 years. It fits nicely in my pocket and writes so well. I was stuck with a bic for the day and things just seemed a bit out of sorts.

#3) I saved the best for last. Now "they" say that we all have dreams, even it you don't remember them. I'll have to take "their" word for it because I rarely remember having them. That is until this morning which made me remember that I had another dream the night prior. You've heard of the recurring dream, right? How about an absolutely ridiculous two part dream. It was like the sitcom that doesn't finish in 30 minutes. My brain had a great time with this. Keep in mind I didn't remember Part I until he granted me Part II. Part I. I have somehow obtained a large amount of money. I don't know how much or from where but I have it. Shortly after "getting" the money, I learn that Def Leppard will perform at a location of your choice for a mere $25,000. That pretty much sums up Part I. Part II. Def Leppard shows up at my house letting me know I have paid for them to play a "gig" in my garage. (i'm still dreaming, but already thinking I can't believe he is doing this) I'm all fired up. I start calling friends and neighbors. "Def Leppard is playing at the house tonight, come on over." The general response was "Why?". It didn't dampen my spirits. I went upstairs and for some stupid reason took my stereo down to the garage for the band to use. (Just like we used to in High School, ehh Darin?) We had about 30 people show up and they opened with POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME.

I can hardly wait to see what the brain has planned for me tomorrow.

Monday, October 03, 2005

a lesson lost

This evening Savanna threw a fit for the ages when we attempted to leave the neighbor's yard. SCREAMING... HOLLERING.... ARMS FLAILING... and LEGS KICKING, I struggled to carry her the 300 yards home. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade making test runs down our block couldn't have drawn the crowds that we did. I just kept smiling and nodding. "Yes, this is my kid." "No, there is not a thing I can do to quite her down."

What could cause such an award winning display of frustration you ask? Rocks. (ridiculous rocks)

Savanna had gathered up about a bucket full of landscaping rocks in her shirt, short pockets and hands. She insisted on taking them home. The minute I told her no, that the rocks were not hers she lost it. Once home, she settled down and now an hour later I tried to have a conversation with her about it. I told her she couldn't take things that weren't hers. She wasn't buying it. "But, Dad I wanted the Rocks." So, I picked up one of her "Dollies." "Savanna, what if I want this." Savanna started to look a little concerned. As I began to walk off with the dolly, "I want this so I'm going to take it." Panic sets in "Dad, NO!" "Why not?" I ask. "Dad, it's mine" she says defiantly.

I'm beginning to think I've got her. "So who owns the rocks?" "Mrs. Potter" she answers.
I'm almost home. "why can't we take the rocks?" "Because they aren't ours."
She's learned a lesson. I'm one proud Dad. I hand her back the Dolly and she places it on the top shelf of her bookcase. "Dad, I'm putting it up here so you can't take it."

As the air goes out of me, "Savanna, I think you missed the point." She replies (over and over) "DAD! that's my POINT.".... "DAD! that's my POINT!"

Friday, September 30, 2005

What it takes to be #1..... in sales

Selling is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't sell once in a while; you don't use the sales process once in a while; you use the sales process all the time.

Selling is a habit. There is no room for second place. There is only one place on this team, and that's first place. I have finished second before, and I don't ever want to finish second again. It is and always has been sales rep zeal to be first in anything we do, and to sell, and to sell, and to sell.

Every time a sales rep goes to ply his trade he's got to sell from the ground up — from the soles of his feet right up to the top of his head. Every inch of them must sell. Some reps sell with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be #1 in this business. But more importantly, you've got to sell with your heart, with every single fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a rep with a lot of head and a lot of heart, they are never going to finish second.

Running a sales team is no different than running any other kind of organization — an army, a political party or a football team. The principles are the same. The object is to win — to beat the competition. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is. It is a reality of life that reps are competitive and the most competitive companies draw the most competitive reps.

That's why you are here — to compete. To know the features and benefits of each of product solution. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules — but to win. And in truth, I've never known a rep worth their salt who in the long run, deep down in their heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline.

There is something in good reps that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head competition. I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of telecom. But I firmly believe that any rep's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that they holds dear, is that moment when they have worked their heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted at the end of the month — over quota."

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Lazy Shower

Now I certainly do not consider myself to be a lazy person. Rather, I like to think of myself as a "doer". Dad used to tell me as a boy, "Get up Brett, people die in bed." Agreeing that this certainly is true, I am usually up early and busy with something. Doing anything but nothing.

However, I came to the curious conclusion today that my morning shower my be an exception. I've got my routine and would bet that each of you do as well. Shampoo first, but don't immediately rinse (this allows for the combo shampoo/conditioner to work). Then I use Noxema to wash my face. (It provides such a nice tinglely feeling and makes shaving easier.) After rinsing my hair and face I grab the bar of Zest. I scrub my chest, belly, arms, underarms, neck and usually the back. I've got the top 2/3rds covered.

About 1 out of every 3 days, I look down at my ankles, feet and toes and think "those guys are a long ways down there." "They will be alright until tomorrow." Why do I do that? Is it really that difficult to lean over for 30 seconds and wash my feet?

Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Ending

Rita was lots of talk but not much walk. Well at least she didn't cause much damage to the Galveston and Houston area. They chaos of Katria combined with the strength of Rita in the gulf, caused 8 of my family members and some 2.3 million others to head north out of Southeast Texas last week. While the 12 hour trip to Dallas wasn't much fun for the relatives, the 3 day weekend made up for it. We ate much food, played many games and the best part (for Vanita and me) was having 8 extra people to entertain Savanna. While Savanna did most of the entertaining, there were 16 extra eyes to look her way each of the 800 times she said "watch this!"

While everyone returned to Houston with their homes in the same condition as they were left, my ride home with Savanna was a wonderful finish to the weekend. We are cruising along, A/C blowing, radio humming, and Savanna jabbering away, as usual. Suddenly she just stops talking, and began to roll up her picture. This action is usally the beginning of using a "spotting scope," but not today. She smiles at me like she's about to do something special. "Dad, start it over." "What?" I ask. "Play Float On again."

Float On, by Modest Mouse was playing on my CD player.

"Ok" I tell her. "Dad you do the music and I'll sing." I know this is going to be fun. I hit the back arrow on the radio and start my part. "Ba DAAA Ba dump BAA Da." Savanna nods her approval and puts the rolled up paper to her mouth. "i back my mmm into COP CAR the other DAY!" "mumble made up words mumble" "AND WE AAAALLLLL float on OK!"

She has MAD skills.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

when A man, loves a woman....

Here is a story of a pharse that is commonly misused. I've misused it and my guess is you have also. Today, Vanita misused it and my love for her couldn't help but want to correct it. Here goes:

V: "Brett, you could care less about the fact that I'm pregnant."

B: "Well, actually that is true. But... that shouldn't upset you. You see, by being able to "care less" about you that shows that I actually DO care for you." smiling "I think what you meant to say was that I COULDN'T care less about you. That dear, simply would not be true."

V: "You're a jerk."

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sweet, Sweet Sounds

Today and tomorrow are two big days for the concert scene here in Dallas. I listen to the def jams created by each of these groups on my imaginary IPod everyday. The imaginary ones are even cooler than the real IPods. They are smaller, hold more songs and come in lots of fancy colors. Right now mine is Sea Blue tomorrow, maybe Lavendar.

Back to the Music. TONIGHT and TONIGHT ONLY!!!!

At the Granada Theater, Blues Traveler. Now I know they are just a little past their prime but they still have a little left in the tank. I saw them 8 years ago, so this one is not at the top of my list.

At the Gypsy Tea Room, Lucinda Williams. Lucinda is fairly new to the imagination IPod but the girl has skills. I'm interested but this show can't compete on a night like tonight.

At Nokia Theater, The Black Crows. I really didn't even know that these guys were still together. When was their last album, 1992? Granted it was good, but these guys are just too hard to handle.

and the show of the night....

At the Smirnoff Music Centre, Oasis. I have wanted to see these guys live since college, but haven't had the chance until today. I heard a story from a close friend that they once challenged the entire audience to a fight right in the middle of a show. These guys must be tough! Jet opens for them.

Friday night isn't nearly as complicated. Just one really good show.

Also at the Smirnoff Music Centre, ColdPlay. Word on the street is that they put on a great show. I'd love to catch great shows on consecutive nights, but I don't think it will happen. I'll give it my best shot.

more tomorrow.....

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just WIN Baby.

Savanna and the Mansfield Raptors kicked off their soccer careers this past Saturday afternoon at the Arlington YMCA. My high hopes for the team and Savanna started to slip just as the game began.

Almost immediately after the opening whistle Savanna voluntarily exited the field telling Vanita and I that she was hot, tired and didn't want to play. 17 seconds into her career, it hit rock bottom. At the end of the first quarter, her team was down 0-3 and regardless of what toys/candy I promised her, Savanna wouldn't play. I should have seen it coming. When I fired up the car stereo with some 50 cent on the way to the game Savanna still managed to fade in and out of a nap.

Starting the 2nd quarter, Savanna wasn't the only one unwilling to play in the heat and the Raptors began play down two players. Our coach is apparently one of the great minds of the game. Our best player, who played in goal the first period, was moved into a scoring position. It was a different game in the second period, we managed to close the scoring gap with two goals by our star.

At this point, the theme for Savanna wasn't "Just WIN Baby" it was "Just PLAY Baby, please!" Then something magical happened, just before the start of the final period, Savanna accepted the position of goalie.

She did a great job. While the Raptors took the lead 4-3 (keep in mind we don't keep score at this age) Savanna stopped the first shot on goal. It was a rocket from the left wing that she dove in front of to keep the lead for the Raptors. The second and last shot on goal she faced was equally exciting. I had moved down to her end of the field to get some pics and to encourage her play. About the time I made it down there, one of the girls from the other team broke free. It looked as if Savanna might get beat and the score be tied. I started yelling "SAVANNA!... Pick it up.... PICK UP THE BALL." and the girl that was about to score bent over and picked up the ball. It was great! The ball was turned over to Savanna, who put it in play for one last goal, securing a 5-3 win.

In the end, everyone had a wonderful time. The plan for next week? 1 can of Mountain Dew 30 minutes before game time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


As of 1:30 today I am back "on-line" with cellular service. I completely over-did-it (can that be spelled as one word) with the new phone. I went to the Verizon Wireless store with the attitude of a little chicken, cheap, cheap, cheap. But whoever said you can't sell a salesman hasn't met me.

The sales guy didn't even have skills. There weren't any fancy lights, no streamers, no balloons, just my messed up sales head SELLING ME. I found myself doing phone features and benefits on myself. 30 minutes later I walked out of there with the new PalmOne Treo 650. The good and bad news is that it comes with a 15 day money back guarantee. Which means in just two short weeks Vanita will have me making another trip to Verizon Wireless. It will be fun while it last.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm a little loud

I prefer to refer to it as enthusiastic, excited, passionate, and possibly animated. Loud is just too negative for my taste. When you've been in the same environment for 6 years, as I was with XO, I guess co-workers were just use to me. They only theme I consistently recall adhering to was "Exciting times at XO!" Which perfectly fit nearly every situation at XO. Negative or Positive, in telecom, it's always exciting.

Now at my new place of employment, the environment is a little different, still exciting, but different. I'm still on a the same floor as 50 or 60 other workers but being in an executive suite means they 1) are not likely to be in telecom 2) have a 1 in 10 chance of working directly with me. This apparently gives fellow floor mates the right to send strange looks my way as they pass my desk. I've made a few notes of what I'm doing or have just done when they send the look my way.

singing Plush
clapping (like at a sporting event) CLAP..... clap clap.....CLAP..... clap clap
had a little gas
laughing out loud (this one is fairly frequent)
lit a match, after having a little gas (by the look, I'm not sure which is worse)
hooting (WOoooo, whoo)
laying on my desk (my back was killing me)
whistling the Superman theme song (great things are about to happen)

Exciting times, my friends, exciting times.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Day 1 of a dynasty

Last Thursday night while the Patriots dynasty was beginning their quest for a 3rd straight Super Bowl, a dynasty of a different type met for the first time. The Mansfield Raptors, a group of 4-year-old girls checked in for the first day of soccer practice at 6:30 sharp.

Granted the signs of a dynasty were difficult to recognize, but they were there. Here's an example: "Girls, what was the most exciting part of practice?" Making new friends? No. Playing outside? Nope. Scoring goals? NO! Water breaks? all together now, "YEA!"

Good teams know proper hydration is a key to success, right?

All Stars? We got'em. At the end of practice the girls were split up into teams of 4 to play a friendly scrimmage. For the first time all practice, Coach blew his whistle to signal the start of play. There was some good action for about 30 seconds, when the all star stepped it up. "Hey coach, will you blow your whistle again?"

Four-year-old girls soccer, You Gotta Love It!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I'd forget my arse if it weren't attached.

Tonight it finally happened. I lost my cell phone. Yes, I know. I'm notorious for leaving it places, but I've never officially lost it.

Vanita and I took Savanna out to Pizza Hut Park to watch FC Dallas play DC United in MLS Soccer. The brand new stadium (opened August 6th) has a great family environment, it's only downside may be it's proximity to our home. It's just over an hour drive, but "Youth Soccer Night" gave Savanna a chance to go be on the field before the game and receive a free FC Dallas Soccer Ball to take home with her.

So back to the phone. We left the game just after "half" hoping to get home before 11. I was tired, not looking forward to the long drive and was also doing my best to follow the Texas - Ohio St. game using wireless internet on my phone. I loaded Savanna into her car seat and pulled out of the parking lot. About 300 yards out of the parking lot, Vanita and I hear what appears to be something softly hitting the car. Now I've hit so many things in my car I don't bother stopping to investigate. About 15 minutes later, my brain kicks into gear. "Where's my cell phone?" I ask Vanita. By the time I finished the question, I knew the phone had been left on top of the car while helping Savanna in her seat. We call it. It rings. We drive back. Look, but no luck.

I wasn't terribly upset. I was due to lose it. I've left it everywhere. At home when going to work and at work when going home. At restaurants, movies and customer locations. If I've been there, my phone has been left behind.

My favorite place to leave it? On top of the toilet paper dispenser in bathrooms everywhere. Here best part (and it's true). About six months ago a female co-worker at my office borrowed my phone (I can't recall why). Well, a few hours past and I of course had forgotten what I had done with it. Curiously, a different girl in my office returned it to me, wondering how it had been left on top of the toilet paper dispenser in the women's restroom.

Now you know how pets can look like their owners, can my phone pass on my forgetfulness to others?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Golfing at 7000 feet

Vanita, Savanna and I are still trying to get settled back into our regular routine, but I wanted to take a minute to share with you a little bit of our trip.

I played 3 fantastic golf courses while in New Mexico, Paa-ko Ridge, Taos Country Club and Angel Fire Country Club. All the tracks had spectacular views and great course designs.

Possibly the best part about playing out there was the elevation changes. The above hole was a 274 yard par 3. Usually every bit of my driver, but at 7000 feet it was just reachable with a 3 wood (3-putt bogey).

It only got better once we were in the mountains of Angel Fire (8500 ft. above sea level). I have never wanted a hole in one so badly. Wouldn't it be great to tell your friends you hit a 6 iron from 245 yards. Granted it was off the side of a mountain...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Labor Day!

I'm out for the weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It's not tailgating.... I'm drafting

I had a jam packed 24 hours in America's Heartland beginning Sunday at 3pm. I started it off in fine fashion, enjoying a DQ Blizzard with my parents in Platte City, MO. Next it was on to Liberty MO. There I enjoyed a nice mix of Pac-Man, Ping Pong, Frogger, Texas Hold'em, Galaga and finally a fantasy Football draft. Got some rest. Up early, interview with a new potential sales rep at Starbucks in Overland Park, KS. Driving too fast, customer appointment and lunch in Lee Summit, MO. On the way to the airport, I did a quick stop by William Jewell College, Liberty, MO, to experience the 1st day of school all over again.

I should spend more time up north, I can't recall in any recent history such a pleasant mix of activities. (Right now, my wife is thinking "you make enough trips up there as it is)

Now the draft. Last year I finished a strong 5th (10 team league) after making the terrible mistake of drafting Jon Kitna in the 4th round. I've still yet to live that one down. Looking to avoid the same mistake, I did much more pre-draft preparation. Here is a recap of my picks and a quick evaluation of each. I had the 6th pick.

1) Duce McAllister, RB, NO - I expect this to be a good pick. NO beefed up it offensive line and has made a commitment to the running game.
2) Kevin Jones, RB DET - I bit of a risk here, but was the NFL's leading rusher the second half of last year.
3)Reggie Wayne, WR, IND - #2 receiver for IND but I'm hoping he takes over the #1 spot this year.
4)Antonio Gates, TE, SD - Best TE in the game, even sitting out the 1st game of the year.
5)Deion Branch, WR, NE - Tom Brady's favorite target. Let's hope he stays healthy.
6)Jimmy Smith, WR, JAC - Still has a few good years left, Jacksonville likes to throw.
7)Santana Moss, WR, WAS - This was a terrible pick. Washington doesn't have a QB.
8)Brett Farve, QB, GB - He says he's in great shape and has a good receiving core.
9)Michael Bennett, RB, MN - I'm hoping he takes ownership of the starting role.
10)Charlie Rogers, WR, DET - Tons of talent, needs to stay healthy.
11)Carolina, D -
12)Jason Elam, K, DEN - Thin air at Mile High.
13)Jake Plummer, QB, DEN - Farve is old needed a good back up.
14)Bobby Engram, WR, SEA - Good for a few catches a game.
15)David Carr, QB, HOU - Plummer throws lots of INTs, but should have picked a TE.

There it is. I think I have a well balanced team.

Here's a few quick hits from the trip.

At lunch on Monday our (female) Bartender says, "It smells like hotdogs, do you smell that?" Jake Davis, "Nope, but you've always had a nose for weiners."

From a Sports Illustrated article I read on the plane, My Football Failure.

NFL Terminology:

Hash Marks: what you might find on Ricky Williams's couch.

Dime Package: what you might find under Ricky William's couch.

Quarterback: what you get after forking over $7 for a beer at Giants Stadium.

Throwback jersey: What a fisherman does after catching the Garden State.

Monday, August 29, 2005

we should be thankful..

Today, while waiting to board my flight back to Dallas I witnessed 6 six soldiers return home from service. It was amazing. Their families (wives, children, parents) were so happy to see them. I overheard one daughter exclaim "Dad, I'm in 1st grade now!"

This can help put it in perspective, Tribute.

Friday, August 26, 2005


This has been one crazy week. Vanita and I had something going on every single evening. Monday it was dinner with the in-laws, Tuesday swim lessons for Savanna, Wednesday date night and Thursday I went out with friends. Tonight, I finally take a much needed break.

For our evening out on Wednesday, Vanita and I enjoyed great food at discounted rates while contributing to charity. The Capitol Grill was one of several area restaurants participating in KRLD Restaurant Week. Diners enjoy 3 course meals at a fixed rate of $30 per person and $6 of that goes to either the North Texas Food Bank or the Lena Pope Home. It is a great opportunity to try some of the better restaurants in town.

Well in addition to my busy social calendar, work has been just as eventful. End of month is quickly approaching and we sales folk are rarely successful at balancing our wins out across the entire month. So here we are, just under 4 selling days remaining and looking to throw the sales hail mary. Don't count me out, I have a team full of Doug Fluties.

This weekend, take the stairs two steps at a time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Feedblitz - Feed delivery via email.

A few of you rely on emails from an outfit called Bloglet to receive notifications that I've posted something to my blog. However, as you no doubt know, Bloglet's service is incredibly flakey, so many times, the notices don't go out.

Following a suggetion from Brad Feld, I am trying a new service called Feedblitz, which will serve the same purpose but appears to be MUCH more reliable. I made the clean switch today so you should receive the new and improved email tomorrow. You don't have to do anything to convert your subscription over -- I will do it for you. Just be aware that the emails will now be coming from a different source.

If you're not signed up and would like to be just enter your email address in the space below my profile and click subscribe me.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Gone Fishing

I awoke Sunday morning having slept off the sugar rush from Savanna's party. We (my mom and Granny were in town) filled our open afternoon with a trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. The place is more of a zoo than an aquarium. Not because it's out of control, but due to the variety of animals the place has. This was my second trip and it's great for summer months in Dallas because it's nearly all indoors. I attached a few good pictures from the day. My favorite is when Savanna met a 3-toed Sloth for the first time.

she's 4 having a big party

Saturday afternoon we celebrated Savanna's fourth birthday, which is officially on Tuesday, the 23rd. We attempted to throw her a party to remember, by inviting some big names who also share her birthday. Below is the "celebrity list" of invitees and their regrets.

Kobe Bryant - turning 26, too busy practicing Zen
River Phoenix - 34, filming E True Hollywood Story
Shelley Long - 55, some lame excuse, because we know she isn't working
Rick Springfield - 55, Rick is a friend of mine, but lately somethings changed that ain't hard to define.
Barbara Eden - 70, doesn't get out of the bottle much these days

Savanna didn't seem to mind the big names not being in attendance. She had a great time at Pump It Up in Arlington. She bounced much, ate much pizza and opened much gifts. Let us know if you would like an invite to next year's event.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Something you haven't thought about.

I caught up with 6 former co-workers today for lunch and was reminded of why Nextlink/XO was such a great place to work from 1999 to 2001. We did 2 hours (hey, it's Friday) of "remember whens and whos." Laughed much and promised to not wait so long to meet again.

My obscure take away came from Chris Harper, who now works in the lighting business, specifically (I think) contracting with business to replace burnt out bulbs. He said, "this is a slow time of year for me." Why would that be? I thought. I couldn't come up with any good explanation. Chris answered my concerns, "There is so much daylight this time of year that people don't realize their bulbs are out."


All right, it's time to get the weekend started. Everyone follow along...

Say, "HEEEY"

Say, "HOoo"

Now puts your arms in the air.... lean to the left.

Say, "Heeey!"

lean to the right.

Say, "Ho"

back to the left.

Say, "Hey - Ho!"

repeat, all weekend long.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

a little network congestion

Did you have some problems logging on this morning? Maybe your web pages weren't loading quite as fast as usual?

I know why. My sister, Melanie Freeland, started her blog yesterday. Now I'm not trying to pull a "this internet is not big enough for both of us," but did she have to follow the regular Smith process? Really Melanie is winning so important that you now think Blogging is a sport?

She writes in her first post, " is not when you enter the race but how you finish." Come on! Isn't it just like an architect to ignore business values such as "speed to market."

Alright, all kidding aside. Melanie is a wonderful sister and a great architect. Using only Lincoln Logs she could design the house of your dreams. While her blog won't be nearly as impressive it might still be worth a visit.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Driving me crazy!!!

Will someone please explain to me, where do all of these cars come from the day after school starts?

Really where are these "Fall-Winter-Spring" jobs? School teachers don't count, they should be off the roads and in the classrooms well before the rest of us.

Not once. Not anywhere, have I met the person who goes into hiding from Mid May to Mid August. Do they work with you? Please give me an example. They clog our freeways from 7 to 9 and 4 to 6 every fall, winter and spring.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Name that baby!

I thought we might name our new family member after other famous Smith's. Here are a few options being considered. Let's us know what you think (we're open to other suggestion also).

Adam - famous economist developed "the invisible hand" expression
Emmit - NFL rushing leader
Lee - MBL closer for Cubs, Red Sox and Cards
Ozzie - MBL shortstop great
Steve - NBA journeyman or NFL Panther receiver
Josh - NBA Slam Dunk Champion 2005
Will - Actor/Singer
Michael - as Michael W. - singer
Robert - lead singer The Cure
Gordon - US Senator from Oregon
Horace - part founder of Smith and Wesson

I'd love to have a little Emmit but don't think Vanita will go for it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

NBA Skills

I read a great quote in Sports Illustrated yesterday.

Antoine Walker, long ranger gunner recently acquired by the Heat from the Celtics, when asked why he shoots to many threes: "Because there are no fours."

That's "outside the box" thinking.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

It's a......

Technology advancements are what my job is all about. I sell voice (phone) service over the internet (VoIP) to businesses all around the US. Given that, I also chose to take advantage of "technology" and find out if we are expecting a boy or a girl in December. Some folks are more old fashion and want to wait until the baby is born. To those I ask, with the internet at your finger tips, do you go to the local library to do your research? What's a matter, too slow too old fashion? You get the point. If you can know now, I'm up for hearing the news.

So Vanita and I visited the doctor today to do just that. It was wonderful. Vanita cried. When we called the grandmothers they cried. Here's how it went down for me, check it out.

The link doesn't always work on the first try. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Nice Throw

It is bound to happen. Children, most certainly, will be faster, taller, smarter (just plain better) than the parents who raised them at one or multiple skills. I just had no idea it would happen so soon. Luckily not to me!

You see, in Vegas, we were once asked to leave the casino because Vanita couldn't keep the dice on the craps table. She'd throw, the dice went every where except the table. Isn't it better to miss completely than crap out? Tonight, Savanna was in her room and determined she was in need of more milk. It's her regular routine to have some before going to bed (the dentist tells us it's really good for the teeth). Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Savanna steps out of her room and says "Catch it." Takes two more strides towards the top of the stairs, pivots and fires. Hitting me right between the numbers with her "sippy" cup. "Good catch, Dad."

Up next for Savanna, Movie Trivia! While watching TV just before bed I flipped to a classic.
Vanita: "What's this movie called?"
Brett: "Blues Brothers"
Vanita: "Never heard of it"

Monday, August 08, 2005

D Lee in the House!

Just finished reading and bookmarking the newest addition to the world of blogging, DLee's Briefcase. Written by Kansas City's most eligible bachelor, Darin Lee. Instead of Lee, it should be Legend.

This guy was All- State in 3 sports while being an A student in high school. In college, Darin kept the grades, played on the football team and served his fraternity holding true to the ideals on which it was founded. Now he just runs marathons a couple of times a year. On slow weekends, he competes in mini Triathlons in the morning and plays golf tournaments in the afternoon. Why he once, right in front of a city cop, spun the tires on a 55 International pick-up just to see if he would get pulled over (which he did). Alright, spinning the tires was an accident.

I only tell you this because you would never hear it from him. He is humble, hard working, faithful, compassionate and best of all, a great friend. Go check out his site...

12am Question

Just as I was about asleep, Savanna, who had been out since 9, made a few noises in her room. I was hoping she would fall back to sleep. 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand...."Daddy". Ohh no, I had to take action. She would be in our room in less than a minute. Out of bed, up the stairs I go. I met her just inside her doorway. "Dad, why.... why" rubbing her eyes. "Let's lay back down" I suggest. Luckily she accepts my suggestion, gathers her thoughts and says "Dad, why do you have big rooms?" Alright, I have no idea what she is talking about but my answer could 1) lead to an all night conversation that would ultimately need Mom's help to end or 2) magically put her to sleep. Here goes "So you have enough room to play?"

Hands under the cheek, eyes close. Victory!!!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dinner and a Movie

Vanita's parents gave us a break this afternoon, baby sitting Savanna for about three hours. Given the limited amount of time we visited one of our favorite places, The Movie Tavern. They have four locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex where you can eat dinner while watching a movie. The concept seems like a great business plan. They purchased smaller movie theaters that couldn't compete with the new AMC and Cinamark mega-theatres. Renovations were made replacing every other row of seats with tables. The food is good, reasonably priced and they carry most of the recent movie releases.

This time we watched, The Wedding Crashers. A great flick, that kept us laughing for most of the movie.

Next time (in DFW) you are looking for a new spin on the same old date night plan give The Movie Tavern a try.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

She's a turkey

A good friend of mine, Jason Ratliff, introduced me to a favorite phrase in college. "Turkeys are done, people are finished." It's a special time in a parent's life when your child begins to take joy in your silly sayings.

Our conversation at dinner last week.

Savanna: "I'm Done."
Me: smiling "Are you a turkey?"
Savanna: giggling "I'm finished."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Public Transportation and Great Steak

Happier than Rafael Palmeiro at Balco Labs, I just returned to my hotel room in Midtown. Tonight's events were a bit of an adventure. For this weeks visit to Atlanta, I passed on a rental car and decided to use the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (Marta). I had high hopes and thus far it hasn't let me down, too much.

My destination McKendrick's Steak House. The restaurant was named America's Finest Steak House by Prime Steak Houses and I just had to see if it could live up to this reputation. Now I'm no steak expert but it is one of my favorite entrees.

So off to the Marta station I went. Purchased my $1.75 one way token and waited a short 28 minutes for my train to arrive. Keep in mind this was mere nanoseconds in comparison to the time spent on the tarmac earlier in the day. The Marta kicked me out where I needed to be, but I had lost all sense of direction during the trip. So I called McKendrick's with two questions: Do you have a dress code (I'm in a t-shirt, jeans and flipflops) and how do I get there? The conversation:

Kat: McKendrick's this is Kat.
Me: Hi! I was hoping to try one of your steak's but wondered if you have a dress code?
Kat: Ooohh, yes we do, it's business casual.

Ut Oooh. I best go with question two.

Me: Where are you located? By the mall?
Kat: Yes. Where are you?
Me: Just got off the Marta....
Kat: long pause... Uhhh what do you have on?
Me: T shirt
Kat: It can't have any writing on it.... like..... Metallica.
Me: laughing.... What if I just ironed it?

A few minutes later I made it to McKendrick's where Kat greeted me with a smile. I had a great NY Strip with garlic taters and even tried some mushrooms free of charge. I would recommend the experience to everyone but if you want my favorite steak house you'll still have to visit Bob's Steak and Chop House off Lemon in Dallas.


I'm in Atlanta for the next few days which should give me ample time to catch up on the blog.

The plane ride here and the subsequent 40 minute delay on the runway (is there a worse wait?) gave me time to get through the August issue of Fast Company. The magazine contained yet another wonderfully applicable article from Marshall Goldsmith. Being the beginning of my 3rd month with Covad, I felt it was time to assist the team in setting and working towards some goals for the next 18 months. After all nothing changes, except by chance, unless we do.

Marshall's article read:

We all set goals to get some aspect of our lives in shape. All too often, we fail to meet them. Why? There are four major challenges that we mistakenly assess:
1) Time: "This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would," or "I don't have time for this."
2) Effort: "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, " or "I'm tired. It's just not worth it."
3) Competing goals: "I had no idea I would be so busy this year. I'll just have to worry about this later."
4) Maintenance: "After I got in shape, I celebrated by indulging in some of the actions that forced me to set my goals in the first place. Now, for some unexplained reason, I'm back where I started. What am I supposed to do?"

We often confuse the words "simple" and "easy." The changes I help people make are generally very simple. However, they are never easy.

He goes on....

To achieve meaningful goals, you'll have to pay the price. There' no product, no diet, no exercise program, and (I hate to admit it) no executive coach who can make you better. Only you can do it. If your source of motivation doesn't come from inside, you won't stick with it.

A great basketball team from William Jewell once adopted the slogan, "Give Me Something Hard." I hope our Covad team feels the same way.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Opportunity isn't knocking.

I see it happen nearly every month, and it just doesn't make sense to me. Inevitably, when the last day of the sales month arrives there are a few sales reps and/or managers short of their goal. It's the result of one or a combination of several factors. Not enough activity, failure to qualify the customer's needs, not talking directly to the decision maker, missing key product features/benefits, and so on.

Here comes the part that I think could be improved upon. Most reps short of quota still have one, maybe two, opportunities left in their funnel.... The opportunities that won't answer their phone or return email messages. Out of ideas, the sales rep decides it's best to camp out in the customer lobby hoping to catch the decision maker and close the business. Sure there is a 1 in 20 chance that the business could close. The down side is the rep is wasting yet anther day not preparing for tomorrow, next week or next month. Additionally any type of credibility the rep has attempted to build as a consultant is gone and replaced by the dreaded used car sales mentality.

Here are a few ideas. Take some time to review how you ended up in this situation. Go to your manager with these ideas. 1) You let yourself and your team down, but.... 2) Here's what went wrong (see above reasons) 3) Have a plan for what you will do differently, starting today. 4) Schedule follow up meetings with your manager to check your improvement.

Ultimately, if you still want to stop by the customer's office that day go in with a plan. Start off by trying a Reverse Look Up on the building. Call the other clients to schedule additional appointments. Second, review the opportunity. Why would they buy from you? What benefits - solutions does your product provide? Should the chance arrive to speak with someone have something better to say than "Have you made a decision yet?"

Good luck and happy selling.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Email Subscription

Today, I added a new email subscription feature to the blog. Bloglet offers a free easy to use subscription. Give it a try.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Welcome to Audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

You gotta be kidding me....

Hot or Not meets Google Maps. Before you re-locate check the "hotness" or "notness" of your new city.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Saved from Tiffany

I stay in relatively good contact with several of my closest friends and Fraternity Brothers with a great group email tool, Yahoo Groups. We share marriage and baby announcements, job updates, political debates and a number of other topics that could only be interesting to those who once power walked just to avoid Teeste Flys.

Today, Kirk (leaning back, punching air) informed us we were a part of the "golden age of modern rock." He wrote: ....we were part of some good music times. Have any of you seen SPIN's list of the top 100 albums of the past 20 years? Of that list, exactly 1/3 of the albums were released between 1992-1996, the 4 years we were in college. Throw in our high school years and a full 54% were released during that formative 8-year run. In comparison, the suckers that graduated in 2004 only had 11 of the top 100 albums come out during their college days.

This post couldn't have come any sooner. Just as I began reading the email my yahoo player was starting, I think we're alone now. I need help. Quickly I updated my player with the 75 or so new albums and immediately began to hear some new stuff. Take a listen.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Sun bathing on the course

Finally back, rested and caught up on emails. As expected the trip to the great mid-west was a pleasant break from my regular routine.

Flew into Kansas City on Thursday night. My mother, Teresa (not "the"), and "Granny" Mary Lou met Savanna and I at the airport where they happily took over baby sitting duties for the weekend. My cousin, Travis, had left a car for me as he and his wife, Erica, were catching, for some unknown reason, a Rascal Flatts concert. Erica and I must share the same opinion of the group, she got the weekend started early and paid the price for it well before the concert was over. Travis was a little upset with the situation so I felt obligated to improve his spirits. We tucked (the way two trainers help an injured athlete off the field) Erica into bed and jumped in the car for a 12 to 4 blackjack session at "the boats". We were happier than a lady gillette in a room full of Rockettes. The night was fairly uneventful with the exception of one amusing conversation. I was sitting at the anchor position of $5 table with three other players. When playing "21," I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm just a feel player. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I don't. Well, this was upsetting one of the players. After losing about $60 in chips (everything he had at the time) he announces to the table (looking at me) "I'm going somewhere they know how to play." Uhhh mmmm.... best try Vegas and sit at a table with a minimum larger than $5. I sure was disappointed to let him down.

Our after hours trip to the boats turned out to be not the best idea. Travis, Tyler (Travis' younger brother and my golf partner), and I were not well rested for our 10:30 am tee time at Staley Farms . In addition to the lack of sleep, temperatures reached 100 degrees with a heat index over 110. I honestly didn't know if I was going to make it. The good part was that the course was spectacular. It was in great shape and challenged most parts of my golf game without being unfair.

By Saturday morning we were well rested for our first round of tournament golf. Tyler and I played well, shooting 64, but were a stroke out of first behind 3 teams. That night each team was auctioned off as a side bet for Sunday's round of golf. We were able to purchase our team relatively cheap at $220. Last year a team sold at just over $400. I also bought two other teams, one of which I had no intention to buy, but got stuck with them trying to raise their price. This was foolish.

Sunday didn't start so well. One of the team's I purchased some how got confused, had the time wrong, and missed Sunday's round. So I had my team, a team I didn't want and a team that didn't show up. Lucky Tyler and I made up for it with the way we played. We birdied the first 4 holes, then cooled off a bit with 4 pars. It was time to rally. "Skin it" I called out. You must wear a shirt in the club house but can work on your tan while playing. The ralley call worked, we birdied 9 of the last 10 holes for a 59. It was fun to have a feel for what it is like to be Tiger (aside from playing shirtless). Tyler hits the ball further than nearly.... everyone. He steps up and without much effort hits it 300 to 330, usually down the middle.

If you play golf and haven't visited Tarkio for one of it's two annual golf tournaments, add it to your list of things to do.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Just returned from a quick day trip to Houston. While I was becoming more comfortable with the Houston market, my wife Vanita was busy, with some help, trying to learn the gender of our newest family member. She, rightfully so, was none too happy about me being absent from the event. Turns out the baby is already doing me favors. He or she wouldn't cooperate with the cameras so the news will have to wait until the 10th of August, a date I will be sure and make. I can hardly wait for December 23rd so I can let the little guy/girl know how appreciative I was for the second chance.

Tomorrow evening it's back in the air for one of my favorite weekends. While one of my co-workers, Kerri Sparks, claims her backside holds the title, my home town of Tarkio, MO truely is the "8th Wonder of the World." I'll be returning there with countless others from around the globe for the annual Tarkio Golf Club 2 - Man Calcutta. I hope to bring home a victory and am sure to have several stories to share. Have a great weekend.

Monday, July 18, 2005

It's Offical

It is backwards logic but that's the way things sometime work. Today, I offically became a web blogger when my Blogger T arrived in the mail just 4 short days after it's online purchase. I may finally be forced to throw away "Try your luck with a Phi Gam" to make room for it in the t-shirt drawer.

Knocking on golf's anybody home?

Was there really any doubt at the end of Saturday's British Open who would be Champion? I found little 5 year old Tiger in the Nike Commercial more entertaining than Big Tiger going into his 10th final round of a major with all or a share of the lead. He had 38 putts on Saturday and still shot 1 under. He had 5 eagle putts and St. Andrews only has 2 par 5s. That is just ridiculous, he is too good.

I on the other hand need help. "The game leaves me depressed and delusional, obsessed and self-centered, miserable and consumed with doubt. Yet it also so enthralls and elates me that I can't wait to play again."

A group of my golfing friends had me sign up for My Scorecard, an online handicap system. It is reasonable priced ($9.99/year) and new features can tell you helpful tips about your game. Here's what it has to say about mine:

If you could just get rid of the double(s) you'd be right on down there... Blow-ups are all mental - you already know that you can hit the ball well in most cases. Developing a sound pre-shot routine, avoiding common mental mistakes, and increasing your confidence should help reduce the likelihood of things going awry. And, if you do happen to have that 'blow-up?' Take a minute to regain your mental faculties, and avoid the super-high risk gamble.

it goes on to say....

an alternative to hitting buckets and buckets on the range is do two things: 1) Get a driving lesson, and 2) Focus on the mental aspect of the drive....

What the??? Get a driving lesson? It's like this thing has been riding in the passenger seat of my car since I turned 16.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Le Tour de FairyTale

Lance Armstrong is yet again, "digging into his suitcase of courage." He currently holds a 38 second race lead with just under half of the 21 tour stages remaining. Today, arriving home from work I pondered, at what point did Lance first start taking cycling seriously? 1 month and 8 days shy of her 4th birthday Savanna apparently has a checklist of items she must have before going for a ride.

She called for me from her upstairs bedroom just as I opened the door to our house, "Dad, will you help me put this on?" "Sure" I say "What is it." "um, um these" she says, showing herself at the top of the stairs holding her Barbie cycling kneepads. Now this was a first. Not since a few minutes after receiving the Barbie helmet and kneepads do I recall her ever requesting to wear them. I can only assume she is prepared to get serious about her ride.

She brings me the kneepads, I velcro them on making sure the pictures are right side up. At this point she informs me, "There. Now I have everything I need to ride." Can we all assume she went through this mental process before making that statement?

Ballerina Dress - Check
Princess Crown - Check
Magic Wand - Check
Ballerina Slippers - Check
Princess Shoes - Check
Tinkerbell Wings - Check
Barbie Cycling Kneepads - Check

I think we may looking at the next Queen of France.

I'm off to Tangle Ridge Golf Club for a morning 18.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

and I thought this was the ground floor?

This evening a good friend and fraternity brother, Ryan Kirk, turned me on to several good sites to help get my blog moving. One site, Technorati is the authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs. (This becomes slightly relevant later in the story.) So I follow Kirk's direction and then proceed to read several "recommended" blogs to help me get a feel for what's out there and draws attention. While doing so I run across a blog for David Sifry, the CEO of (you guessed it) Technorati. Look at the stats he posted today on his blog:

What a couple of months this has been! First, some stats on what's going on in the blogosphere. Technorati is now tracking over 13.3 Million blogs, and 1.3 billion links. We are seeing over 900,000 posts per day on average, which means we're adding about 10 posts per second. We're also seeing about 80,000 new weblogs created each day. That's more weblogs created each day than there were total when I started the service in November 2002. And our search traffic has increased by over 40% month on month for each of the last 4 months. The day of the london bombings we saw over 1.2 Million posts, and had an additional 30% increase in traffic as people turned to weblogs, moblogs, and other citizen's media for instant updates on events in London, survivor accounts, and sharing of deep feelings on the tragedy.

Is that not surprising?

A trip to The Modern

A few weeks ago Savanna and I spent a great Sunday together....

Vanita had several friends in town on this weekend they took the day to go shopping. This left the entire day for Savanna and I to go play.

Following church I allowed for Savanna to pick her favorite restaurant for lunch. Her first choice, Chick-fil-a is closed on Sunday so we opted for one of my favs, Chili's. I had my regular chicken sandwich and Savanna ordered chips with ranch, Mac-n-cheese and when given the choice of fries, corn, or mashed potatoes she choose the taters then restated that she wanted ranch. Even with two bathroom breaks and time to dance next to the table she ate really well. While I paid, Savanna told our waitress she had a nice pink belt. By her reaction, I bet it was the biggest tip the waitress got all day.

Now it was on to The Modern. This was a wonderful recommendation by non other than, my sister, Melanie Freeland. This place is much more impressive than The Kimball Art museum. If you have time, check out the photos of the building provided on the website. Before going inside I told Savanna to go stand under the big "M". She said I'll stand under the first big "M" daddy. Having researched the website I was prepared to pay the $12 cost of admission. However, we were fortunate to learn the first Sunday of the month is always free. We ventured upstairs to visit the Dan Flavin: A Retrospective exhibit. I wasn't sure what to expect from my visit. I kind of had this idea of a bunch of fancy neon lights set up as pictures. Let me tell you, my thoughts were not even close to what was displayed on the entire second floor of the museum. They had room after room, these are big rooms too, with crazy light exhibits. I just started taking pictures. I had both cameras working, the digital and our old cannon rebel. The pictures didn't last long. I was instructed that no pictures were allowed on the second floor. Anyway here is the best of what I was able to take.

Finally we headed home for a community pool party. We had a great time I talked with lots of neighbors and Savanna made several friends in the pool.

Welcome..a tribute "to blog or not to blog"

I'm a professional emailer / phonecaller / meeting runner (aka a communication sales manager). Much time is spent thinking, talking, reading, writing and learning. As a result, I'm am trying to be a piece of the ever entertaining internet revolution.

I was introduced to blogging by FastCompany a little over and year ago and was hooked by Dan Feld. Since then, I've followed additional blogs that keep me enthralled and informed on a number of different topics.

I am fully aware that the world can do without my mindless writings, but I will make a valiant attempt to provide something of value to the reader. Remember you have complete control over whether or not you read this.... here goes.