Saturday, December 03, 2005

Girls are better than boys.

We were back at the house no more than 30 minutes when little Beck needed a diaper change. I headed upstairs to the changing table with BP. I did my best to have everything ready BEFORE actually starting the process.

I got out a new diaper and opened it. Pulled two wipes from the tub plus an alcohol swab for his belly button. All ready.

I unbutton his "onesie", pulled apart the diaper and grabbed a wipe to begin cleaning. The moment the cold wipe hit his bottom, "old faithful" of pee erupted in front of me. It went on his leg, the changing table, the wall, my shirt and his new lamp shade. It was impressive. I'm sure it was shooting 4 to 5 feet in the air at its peak. I was laughing, Beck was screaming and Vanita was just confused. She kept asking, "What's wrong, What's wrong!"

He sure has an intresting way of showing what he doesn't like.