Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Not the One and Only

Yesterday afternoon I had what is sure to be a once in a lifetime event happen. An event so rare, that I am willing to bet good money it will never happen to any of you out there reading my blog. It's a bit confusing. but I'll do my best to explain.

I had a scheduled 2pm meeting at a North Dallas Starbucks with a fellow telcom sales rep. I knew of the guy I was meeting but had never seen him in person. Appproaching the coffee house doors I could see just inside there were two men fitting my contacts profile. As I opened the doors both men were smiling suspiciouly. I admit I was courious.

"I'm Brett Smith"

"Who are you here to see" says the guy on the left.


The first guy directs my attention to the second. As we shake hands he's still smiling.

"What's up?" I ask looking back to the other guy.

He really thinks it's funny now, "I'm here to meet Brett Smith also."

"Are you serious?" I ask.

He goes on to explain that he also had a 2pm meeting at this same North Dallas Starbucks with a Brett Smith he had yet to meet. 3 minutes later his story proved to be true when Brett Smith #2 showed up.

Can somebody tell me the probability of that happening? Where's Otis Miller when you need him.