Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sweet, Sweet Sounds

Today and tomorrow are two big days for the concert scene here in Dallas. I listen to the def jams created by each of these groups on my imaginary IPod everyday. The imaginary ones are even cooler than the real IPods. They are smaller, hold more songs and come in lots of fancy colors. Right now mine is Sea Blue tomorrow, maybe Lavendar.

Back to the Music. TONIGHT and TONIGHT ONLY!!!!

At the Granada Theater, Blues Traveler. Now I know they are just a little past their prime but they still have a little left in the tank. I saw them 8 years ago, so this one is not at the top of my list.

At the Gypsy Tea Room, Lucinda Williams. Lucinda is fairly new to the imagination IPod but the girl has skills. I'm interested but this show can't compete on a night like tonight.

At Nokia Theater, The Black Crows. I really didn't even know that these guys were still together. When was their last album, 1992? Granted it was good, but these guys are just too hard to handle.

and the show of the night....

At the Smirnoff Music Centre, Oasis. I have wanted to see these guys live since college, but haven't had the chance until today. I heard a story from a close friend that they once challenged the entire audience to a fight right in the middle of a show. These guys must be tough! Jet opens for them.

Friday night isn't nearly as complicated. Just one really good show.

Also at the Smirnoff Music Centre, ColdPlay. Word on the street is that they put on a great show. I'd love to catch great shows on consecutive nights, but I don't think it will happen. I'll give it my best shot.

more tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

Do you know how I know you are gay?

Because you want to see Cold Play in concert.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brett Smith-

What's up man? This is interesting...if I google myself....the real "Ryan Dowis", I don't find much (not so important), but I do find this link to your blog. While parts of this comment are very relevant :-) , I didn't make the post...surely you don't know another "Ryan Dowis" do you? What's funny about this is about a year ago, my admin. asst. at work told me that she googled me and there was a link that said something about being gay and listening to cold play (i didn't care)--I told her while I had heard of cold play, I definitely didn't listen to them and din't know what that had to do with being gay. I think she even clicked the link and showed me the comments on a blog--I didn't realize it was your blog ;-). Small world I guess. The other thing is that I had stumbled upon your blog about 6 months ago and hadn't seen that post with "my" name in it.

Anyway, enough about that! Good to see and hear about what's going on with you--glad to hear all is going well--and the kids look like lots of fun! I enjoyed seeing the pics of you and Melanie and your parents, Mary Lou, etc.!!!!! Flashbacks and lots of fond memories! Take care man!

"the real" Ryan Dowis ;-)

Anonymous said... addy: