Wednesday, August 10, 2005

It's a......

Technology advancements are what my job is all about. I sell voice (phone) service over the internet (VoIP) to businesses all around the US. Given that, I also chose to take advantage of "technology" and find out if we are expecting a boy or a girl in December. Some folks are more old fashion and want to wait until the baby is born. To those I ask, with the internet at your finger tips, do you go to the local library to do your research? What's a matter, too slow too old fashion? You get the point. If you can know now, I'm up for hearing the news.

So Vanita and I visited the doctor today to do just that. It was wonderful. Vanita cried. When we called the grandmothers they cried. Here's how it went down for me, check it out.

The link doesn't always work on the first try. Enjoy.